We Remember

BRAUN, Karen
January 1, 1970 — August 31, 2018
5’2”, eyes of blue, a warm smile and transformed heart; Karen Lynne Braun took her first heavenly breath and embrace of her Lord on Friday, August 31, 2018 at 8:55pm. She lived a 57 year wide and maximized embrace of the DASH between the day she entered this world and left it.
“For to me, to LIVE is Christ and to die is GAIN” (Phil 1:21, NIV).
The life line thrown before Karen’s drowning rebellion back in ’76, by her cherished brother Bernie, was, “LISTEN FOR THE STILL CALM VOICE OF GOD!!!” Karen’s desperate repentance and salvation prayer was, “God, I have made such a mess of my life, if you can do anything with it, take it, its all yours.”
A Celebration of Life Service will be held on Friday, September 7th, 2018 at 1:00pm at Mission Creek Alliance Church, 2091 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC with light refreshments to follow.
She is immediately survived by her much-loved “Sir” Douglas John Braun, of 35 years marriage; their two treasured miracle sons, Caleb Braun, of Edmonton, AB, and Tobias Braun, of Kelowna, BC. Predeceased by her dear Dad, Con Petrescue, and loving brother Dave. She is outlived by her anchored and darling Mom, Marianne; eldest brother Bernie; and youngest, bestest sister friend, Michelle; and the rest of the clan’s respective families.
As in her living, so in celebrating her heavenly graduation, her desire is for you to be inspired, encouraged and built up by God’s WORDS at this occasion because Jesus is full and abundant in grace for your needs!
In lieu of flowers, a “Karen Braun Legacy Fund” has been created to continue the resources Karen developed for cultivating prayer. Cheques can be made to Doug Braun with “Karen Braun Legacy Fund” at the bottom.
“My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak but GOD REMAINS THE STRENGTH OF MY HEART; he is mine forever. But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign LORD my shelter, and I WILL TELL EVERYONE about the wonderful things you do” (Ps 73:26, 28. NLT).
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area called “Share Your Condolences.”
To view the service for Karen Braun, please click on the link below:
Friday September 7th, 2018 at 1:00 pm
Mission Creek Alliance Church
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Service Details
The service for BRAUN, Karen is scheduled for Friday September 7th, 2018 at 1:00 pm . Below you will find the map for the service location and the contact information should you have any questions.
Doug, Karen and I go so far back it makes me smile when I think of the two little second graders in Pioneer Girls and how we bonded immediately. It’s been such a huge blessing to reconnect with Karen over the last few years but most especially this last very trying year and half. It was, as Karen described it, “surreal”, that I would be dealing with Scott’s loss and you would be dealing with hers. I know you are so proud of that woman, and she made sure everyone knew how much she adored her Sir Douglas. My prayers will focus on you now as I know how difficult the days ahead will be. I will be at Friday’s ceremony to celebrate this most amazing woman. – Shannon Brown
Dearest Doug, Caleb, Tobias and extended family. Our deepest condolences to you on the passing of your beloved wife and mom. We remember Karen for her beautiful warm smile; creative spirit; steadfast prayer warrior; a devoted wife, mom, daughter, sister; and a Godly example of a spirit filled daughter of the Almighty. Our hearts are heavy for you as you continue life’s journey without her but we celebrate her rejoicing in the presence of the Lord. May you feel the love and strength of all the prayers of so many from around the world and may sweet memories bring you great comfort. With Love, Menno and Lynn
Dear Doug and family, Our sincere condolences on the passing of Karen. She played such a vital role in the initiation of a prayer ministry here at the Mission, which continues today. Her legacy will live on and reap eternal rewards. Our thoughts and prayers go with you. Sincerely, Randy Benson and the family from Kelowna’s Gospel Mission.
Dearest Marianne, Bernie, Michelle, Doug & your families ~ We send our love & prayers for you as God leads you thru’ your loss of Karen. What an uplifting tribute her obituary is! She was a bright shining live life to the fullest person, loved by so many of us from our early days at Hillsdale Alliance. Love from my mom, Mary & me. Matthew 5:4
To Karen’s family and the Petrescue family,
It has been many years since I first meet a pretty teenage girl and her family at Hillsdale Alliance church in Regina (my sister Gail and I attended for awhile). I remember that smile! It’s the same. And enthusiasm! Think it is the Petrescue family way!
A loss never seems right and is difficult even when we try to see with our heavenly Father’s eyes. May His strength be yours and His blessings surround you.
Thinking of all of you.
With heavy hearts and sadness we send our condolences on the passing of a wonderful neighbor and friend Karen. Best wishes to Doug and family, stay strong.
Mike, Ros and Jacob
A Tribute to my Sister Karen – September 7, 2018
My dear Sister Karen: Thank you for sharing your beautiful smile and heart with everyone.
Your life will go on ministering to people around the world. I am thankful that you are my sister.
Thank you for the time you and Doug took in loving my kids. Thank you for loving and encouraging me.
Thank you Karen.
It was so touching that your faithful husband Doug was with you right until you graduated into Jesus’ arms on August 31, 2018.
Doug, you have experienced many losses in life, including family members.
However, you have remained steadfast in the Lord. What a testimony! Thank you Doug!
I am thankful that our sister Michelle and her husband Murray have been such good and loving friends to you and Doug, and that they have been there to help you and pray with you through this time.
Thank you Murray and Michelle.
I have always been thankful for our prayer-warrior Mother who has been and continues to be faithful in praying.
Mom, your life and prayers have impacted eternity more than you know. Thank you Mom!
Karen, today is a day of both sadness and celebration. Sadness to see you go.
Celebration because you are in the ultimate place…heaven!
I like how Mom said it…you are on an exotic vacation. You didn’t need to pack your suitcase. Just come as you are.
And… it is an all-expense-paid-permanent-vacation!
Sorry I couldn’t be at your celebration in Kelowna today (still recovering from the stroke I had a few weeks ago).
I tried to beat you to heaven…I concede… you won! You are blessed beyond imagination.
Say a big “Hello” to Dad and Dave for me.
Marcia and I are thankful that you, Mom and Michelle were able to celebrate at our wedding a year ago in Illinois. It was so much fun with all of us dancing together…and now you are dancing on the streets of gold.
I am thankful Marcia and I were able to drive up to Kelowna a few months ago back in June and visit with you and the family. Special times of sharing laughter, tears and love; and meaningful talks from the heart, including the
anticipation of heaven. We are sad to say goodbye, but only for a short time because, we rejoice with you dear Sister that we will join you real soon! Enjoy your eternal vacation!
We love you, Bernie and Marcia
My sister (Linda Martin) told me that Karen had passed away. I remember her from Hillsdale Alliance in Regina, and especially singing with Karen in a group called Shalom in the mid to late 70’s. We wore black velvet outfits (vest, blazer and slacks)! We had a lot of fun. I will remember Karen’s brilliant smile and enthusiasm. My deepest condolences to Doug, her two sons, her mom, sister Michelle and brother Bernie. May God grant you all peace with every remembrance of her.
Doug, Caleb, Tobias and family. I am so sorry for this terrible loss of precious Karen. I wish I could say all the things I know it would occur to her to say. I did wanted to share with you I had the most amazing time of prayer for her, unknowingly, the day before she passed. I would love to be able to contribute to Karen’s legacy but have been unable to find Doug’s address. I’d love it if you could send that to me.
Much love to you all. Tracey Byle