We Remember

GOUTIER, Bernard “Ben”
October 26, 1936 — January 8, 2023
On January 8, 2023, we lost our loving husband, father, and great-grandfather, Bernard Richard Goutier (“Ben”). Ben had his own unique way of seeing the world. He was always full of surprises and lived life on his own terms. As king of our family, he reigned with a strong life-force, a contagious sense of humour, and an incredible love that knew no bounds.
Ben’s life was a storied one. He was born in Indonesia (a Dutch colony at the time) on Oct 26, 1936, the third son of 5 boys. He was 6 years old when the Japanese invaded Indonesia and took his father (a Dutch soldier stationed in Indonesia) as a Prisoner of War, resulting in his death. Ben was 9 years old when he fled from Indonesia with his mother and 4 brothers to the Netherlands to escape the Bersiap (a time after the war ended and Indonesian rebels violently sought freedom from Dutch colonialism). Life in the Netherlands brought much hardship to Ben’s mother and her family, and Ben and his brothers were separated from their mother. Ben grew up in an orphanage. These experiences impacted Ben throughout his life.
Ben married Coby in 1961 in The Netherlands. Three children were born to them in Holland: Lucienne, Monique and Yvonne. Ben worked as an engineer, adjusting regulators to diesel engines, later as a steam engineer at a dairy. His hobby was motorcycles (building and repairing).
Ben and Coby immigrated to Vancouver, BC, Canada in 1966, where Ben worked as a welder by trade. In 1971, another daughter was born to them, Marion.
In 1981, Ben and Coby moved their family to Kelowna, BC, where Ben eventually became an entrepreneur retailer, dealing in used sporting goods. Ben enjoyed garage sales and the community of selling at flea markets. All the while he ensured family days, family gatherings/dinners, family reunions, and an annual gathering of his “Indo buddies” for a food-festival.
Ben always put family and his children first. In fact, Ben was known to walk off a job if time-off was not granted for one of his children’s events. Ben was the proud grandfather (Opa) of 7 grandchildren: Michole, Miranda (Marc), Jim, Cheryl (Roger), Dean, Kamin (Cirian), and Noah (“The Caboose”). And the proud great-grandfather of Serenity, Jaida, Cheyanne, Lenae, Jack, Adele, and Max.
Together with his wife Coby, Ben sought justice for his mother up until his death, writing letters and bringing the family’s plight to the attention of Dutch officials. Ben’s passionate search for justice resulted in a posthumous award for his father, and a book (written by Coby) that tells the story of his Mom and the family legacy.
Ben was preceded in death by his parents and oldest brother, Wim. He is survived by Coby, his wife of 61 years; his daughters Lucienne (Robert) Cross, Monique (Craig) Kaetler, Yvonne Unrau (Rick Grinnell), and Marion (Simon) Spencer; his 3 brothers Rudy, Ferry (Joke), and Theo (Tiny); his 7 grandchildren, and his 7 great-grandchildren (the “greats”).
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area called “Condolences”.
Fond memories of Ben – my thoughts, love and prayers are with you all during this time.
Our family is so grateful for all the years we knew Ben. He was at many of our family birthdays and he will be missed. We know how much he loved his entire family and was so proud of the legacy he created. Hugs from Jessica as well
Thankyou for sharing his story with us all. He sounded incredible and my heart goes out to in his passing.
Hierbij condoleren wij gezin en familie met het verlies van echtgenoot, vader, grootvader en overgrootvader. Veel sterkte gewenst.
Frits, Boukje, Kenji Sihan
Frits, Boukje en Kenji Sihan
Lieve Coby en de hele familie,
Gecondoleerd met dit verlies van de grote stoere reus Ben. Ik noem hem zo omdat Ben in de verhalen van mijn vader altijd groot en stoer was en zijn kleine broers Theo en Ferry beschermde. Hij sloeg sommige vervelende jongens wel eens in elkaar als zijn broertjes werden gepest…. En zo was hij ook naar mijn idee de spil in jullie grote familie in Canada.
Heel veel sterkte en liefde gewenst, Kus Sascha
Dear Coby and the whole family, My condolences on this loss of the big giant Ben. I call him that because in my dad’s stories Ben was always big and tough and protecting his little brothers. Theo and Ferry. He used to stand up for his brothers while they were being bullied walking to school…. And in my opinion, he was the heart of your large family in Canada. Wishing you lots of strength and love, lots of kisses Sascha
Mijn herinneringen aan Ben;
mijn grote broer, leider en beschermer in het weeshuis. Mijn leermeester bij Curtiss Wright. Ben was apart, week af van conventies zonder storend te zijn, Zijn levenswijsheden werden glimlachend aanvaard. Ben had afwijkende ideeen waar niets tegen tegen in te brengen is, Ben was een fijne broer met wie prettig mee om te gaan was.
Zo zal ik Ben mij herinneren.
Lieve Coby, kinderen, klein- en achterkleinkinderen,
Hoe goed begrijp ik wat een groot verlies het overlijden van Ben voor jullie zal betekenen. Woorden schieten tekort.
Ik zie hem nog voor me toen jullie de laatste keer in Holland waren en we allen aan het ontbijt zaten met Ben als een Pater Familias aan het hoofd, Helaas zagen we in de loop der jaren maar weinig maar dat beeld zal ik nooit vergeten.
Gelukkig hebben jullie vele onuitwisbare herinneringen aan Ben wat hopelijk het grote verlies draaglijker zal maken.
Heel veel sterkte allen!
I remember, when I could use a computer for the first time, the first person I emailed was uncle ben, with limited English, I believe he really tried hard to understand my language, we talked a lot and he nostalgic a lot about how his life was when he was still in Indonesia. I remember uncle Ben sending me a package of chocolates, and we have the same hobby, photography, when I found out that uncle Ben was very sick I prayed for him, until the moment I found out that uncle Ben had died I was very sad, and all of a sudden the memory of often talking to him came back to me. I am very sorry.
Beste Coby en familie,
Gecondoleerd met het overlijden van Ben. De korte tijd dat wij Jorina en ik Ben hebben mogen kennen weer een stukje van ons leven verdwenen. Voor ons was Ben een bijzondere, hartelijke,spontane en humoristische persoon dit kwam ook tot uiting in onze email correspondentie toen hij vol trots een foto stuurde met iedereen erop en schreef wij heten wel Goutier maar wij zijn de Janssen van Canada.
Hierbij willen wij ook namens onze zoon Tamas en zijn vriendin Pushpa jij Coby en de verdere familie zeer veel sterkte wensen in de komende tijd.
Heb altijd goed met om ben om gegaan nog laat toen hij in Nederland was lol gemaakt zo hem zeer missen sterkte de hele families gondalerd met het verlies
Lieve Coby en Familie Heel veel sterkte in gedachten zijn we erbij, we are thinking of you all
Love Irene en Rob
From the Goutier Family in California: Rudy, Suzanna, Rick and Irene, we will truly miss Ben.
This photo was taken in Batavia (now known as Indonesia) Ben is in the middle, I am to the left of Ben and to the right is our older brother, Wim. We always looked out for Ben when he was young. As he became older and taller, he took care of us and provided protection for our family. It was never a dull moment or a surprising moment for that matter, being around Ben. I will always remember and appreciate those wonderful memories. I always admired Ben for being optimistic about life and for the future.
Love and rest in peace, Rudy.
Dear family, lieve tante Coby,
Our condolences. I’ve already text you personally and today I did what I promised you. Light a candle for Oom Ben. I will remember him as a very nice and lovely uncle. Always interested in you as a person and always asking my Dad Theo , his youngest little brother, how his grand children are doing.
I hope you have a beautiful remembrance today with all the family around. Stay strong and from the Netherlands we think of you all.
Love Sandra Timo Sven en Iris
Dear Tante Coby, Luciene, Monique, Yvonne, and Marion,
I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Oom Ben. My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time.
Ben Goutier was a kind and caring person, and it was always a pleasure to be in his presence. He was a strong leader in the Indo-Canadian family. I always knew him as the life of the party whenever I was in his presence. He always had something funny to say, some words of wisdom to pass down to the young kids. My fondest memories of him were teaching me how to play chess and throw darts when I was a young man. He always had a story to tell. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him, especially me.
I am including some of the photos that I have from the 2016 Kampalong, where my son and I visited in Kelowna. I had the great joy of introducing my oldest son to Oom Ben. He was always about bringing together good friends, being a little crazy, and always about the food.
Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that you can find some comfort in the memories you shared together, and in the love and support of those around you.
If there is anything that I can do to help or support you during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am here for you and your family.
Sending you my deepest sympathy and condolences.
Lots of love, hugs and kisses.
Pat, Jane, Parker and Chase Lodewijkx
Lieve Coby en Lucienne, Monique, Yvonne en Marion,
Heel veel sterkte met het verlies van Ben. Fijne herinneringen toen jullie hier waren voor het 50 jarig huwelijk van Theo en Tiny.
Bijgevoegd nog een bekende foto van het gezin.
Groet en jullie heel veel sterkte, Lauke.
Lieve allemaal,
Ik heb deze kaart op mijn bureau gezet en kijk met veel liefde en plezier op terug.
Hoe fijn het was dat jullie bij ons een visje kwamen eten en dat Ben nog heeft kunnen genieten hiervan, ben ook blij dat hij Lon en Roelof heeft leren kennen. Heel veel sterkte en wij denken aan jullie
Veel liefs Tanja Lon Roelof en ook Leo (die jullie helaas niet hebben kunnen ontmoeten.)
Although we did not have a close relationship, Ben was my cousin and judging by his biography, a very impressive personality. I am truly sorry not to have met him in person as an adult. I wish the family the strength to bear this loss.
Coby en family nog gecondoleerd met het verlies van Benny. Heb veel gelachen bij de ontmoetingen hier bij thuis en bij Theo.. Ben ook nog onder de indruk van zijn familiereisverhaal met zijn moeder en broers hier naar Nederland. Nog heel veel sterkte . Frans en Willy
Denkend aan Ben komen steeds meer herinneringen.
Zoals deze. Op onze verlovingsdag in 1965 probeerde ik Ben te hypnotiseren.. Het lukte mij blijkens zijn gezichtsuitdrukking
Just now learned of Ben’s passing. Belated sympathies to Coby, their girls, and other family members.