We Remember

LAKUSTA, Marion Dorothy (née Dorosh)

November 18, 1933 — February 12, 2025

With deep sadness and a profound sense of loss, we share that our mother, Marion Lakusta, died on February 12, 2025. She died peacefully, in her own home, surrounded by the love of family.

She is survived by her children, Bryan (Ing), Carey (Dale), Diana (Larry), Sandra (Bob), Valorie, and Victoria (Ken); grandchildren Kindra, Jenna, Michael, Nikolas, Quinn, Corbin, Christian, Tessa, Kalyna, Sidney, Timo, Taylor, Tristan, Brinkley Rose, and Aspen; and great-grandchildren Ethan, Isabella, Catherine, Lucca, Madeleine, Azalea, Emaline, and Koen, as well as another due this June. She will also be missed by her siblings David, Doris, and Arlene (Gary); her sister-in-law Kathy; as well as numerous nieces and nephews. She was sadly predeceased by her husband, Michael Lakusta; and her siblings Dick, Ande, Donnie, and Doug.

Born Marion Dorothy Dorosh to the late Dmytro & Anna Dorosh on November 18, 1933 in Sterco, AB. In 1942 the family moved to Edmonton, AB.

Marion married Michael Lakusta on August 14, 1950, and their family grew with the addition of Bryan, Carey, & Diana. They moved to Canmore, AB in 1960 and started the operation of a motel, they also welcomed Sandra and Valorie to the family while there. In the summer of 1965, they moved to Kelowna, BC, where Victoria was then born.

In 1971, Marion started her career as a Care Aide. She started working at Cottonwoods in 1977, there she was dearly loved by patients and staff; at the age of 59 she retired.

She was an active & dedicated volunteer at her home church, the Rutland Seventh-day Adventist Church, in many departments: children’s divisions, communications, Perogy making fundraisers, and funeral lunches.

She will be dearly missed.

We will miss her amazing stories and hospitality; her joyful and infectious laugh; her loyalty to her family; and her steadfast faith in God that guided her entire life. Not to mention the example she leaves behind.

A Celebration of Life will be held in the spring.

If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area call “Condolences”.

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