We Remember

January 20, 1944 — March 24, 2013
After a long hard battle with cancer, David passed away on March 24, 2013. He was predeceased by his parents Hetty and Ralph Morrison and his first wife Gerry of Abbotsford, BC. David is survived by two sons: Colin (Simi) of the Yukon, Chris (Amy) of Charlotte, North Carolina; devoted fiancée Sandra Bedford of Kelowna and his many friends in the Lower Mainland. He served as Charter President (1985) and was a life member of the Optimist Club of Abbotsford and was also the District Governor of the Pacific Northwest District for Optimist International (1997-1998). He continued his love for dancing with his many new friends in Kelowna. David’s passion was photography, which he shared with his caring friend Larry Meade who has been a constant support during his difficult journey. He was looking forward to more camping and fishing in the Okanagan. David will be remembered for his smile, wit and gentle nature. He was always there to lend a hand. We wish to thank all the staff at Hospice House for their devotion and caring ways shown to David, his family and friends, making his passing more peaceful. There will be a celebration of David’s life on Thursday, April 11th at 1:00 pm at the Club House at the Bristol Gardens, 1965 Durnin Road, Kelowna, BC. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Central Okanagan Hospice House, 2035 Ethel Street Kelowna, BC, V1Y 2Z6 or Optimist International Canada, 5205, boul. Métropolitain Est, Bureau 200, Montréal (Québec) H1R 1Z7, 1-800-363-7151. If you wish to send a condolence, post photos or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area called “Share Your Condolences.”
Thursday, April 11th at 1:00 pm
Club House at the Bristol Gardens
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Service Information
Service Details
The service for MORRISON, David is scheduled for Thursday, April 11th at 1:00 pm . Below you will find the map for the service location and the contact information should you have any questions.
Sandy…..we know how happy you were in ‘finding’ David again, and how you so enjoyed your wonderful time with him. May your memories help at this difficult time, and know that all your friends are with you in prayer and sympathy…with love from Dorothy & Ross (aka mum and dad)
Sandy: So very sorry to hear of David’s passing. Please know I am here for you in this time of sorrow and always.
Thinking of you and your families,
Sandra & Family: Our heartfelt condolences to you. Your in our thoughts and prayers. We are abroad at the moment but will be in touch once we arrive home.
Sandy and Family: It is always too soon to say good-bye. Even though there is relief at the end of great suffering! That does not dim your sorrow…In faith we understand and find strength. David will be missed, what a lovely person he was. My most sincere condolences. Love Laraine
Sandy…I’m truly sorry to learn of David’s passing. You were both so fortunate to have found each other again and be able to share some wonderful times together. Those memories will comfort you forever. Please know that you’re in my thoughts.
I knew David and
Gerry from my membership with the Optimist Club of Jerome (Idaho); they were an integral part of the Pacific Northwest District and were cherished members and friends to all of us. David was the first District officer I met as a new Optimist and I never forgot his generosity and welcoming smile. He will be dearly missed but I am thankful that he took the time to welcome a young girl from Idaho into the Optimist family. God Bless you and your family. In Optimism, Angie Bridge – Jerome, Idaho, USA
Sandy and Family;
Vic & I will always cherish the time we spent with you both,how hard it is to say good-bye. In faith & hope we say “see you later David”.
Our love,
Vic. & Merrilee
It was strange last night when a car pull into my drive way, it was dark a young man got out of his car to greet me. He asked if I was Gary Morrison , I found this question a bit disturbing for this young man was asking about my brother . I then recognized the young man who I’ve haven’t seen in 10 years , it was Colin Morrison . I asked him is everything ok , by the look on his face I knew something was wrong. Dad’s passed on ! Oh my God, I invited Colin in to stay the night, Colin brought in the family album to go over old pictures of relitves he had never meet. Last night was one of the most wonderful visits I have ever had with my cousin’s son. I explained to Colin , by going to David and Gerry’s wedding some 40 odd years ago. I met my future wife Sylvia on the plane ride home . I could never thank David Morrison enough for the life I have to day. I had a tear in my eye as Colin drove off this morning. God be with David Morrison my dear cousin, thanks for the wonderful live Dave, cousin Bob
Sandra: when special people walk into our lives we are blessed. You got two chances with David and wasn’t he lucky and weren’t you too? However brief your time together it was amazing, and you were meant to meet up again so you could guide and help David through his last months. I only wish I had met him, but felt I did know him a bit through your photos and emails. One of my wonderful friends said to me when I lost my lovely daughter last year….”You will never know how much you are loved”, and I thought that was the most beautiful thing you can say to anyone.. Say it to yourself Sandra.. Love and hugs.. cousin PatXXXX
Dearest Sandra and family:
We send you our heartfelt sympathy from us all here in Scotland. It is such a sad time for you all, but please know you are in our prayers and hearts.
May God bless David and you too.
Hugs and love.
Kamal and Carole. xxxxx
Sandy, Colin , Chris and families……..we know that no words can help ease the pain and loss that all of you are feeling. But we hope that you will find comfort knowing that someone as special as David will never be forgotten. Sandy, we are so happy that you and David were reunited again and shared so many happy memories.
Sandra, We are very sorry to hear of
David’s passing. May the happy memories
last forever.
Dear Sandy,this verse does describe David…My Candle burns at both ends,It will not last the Night.But ah,my Foes,and oh,my Friends,It gives a LOVELY Light.Thinking of You.Doreen
Dear Sandy and family ,I we know we have not seen each other for many years ,yet I was so happy when you and David found each other again. I am so very sorry for your loss and that of his family .There are no adequate words , but there many loving prayers for you and yours.Love and misses, Heather Alvarado L.A Cal.
Sandy….there are no words to express the loss that we are all feeling. David was such a dear friend and I felt like I had known him forever. I will miss everything about David but will never forget his loving smile….especially his loving smile and sparkle in his eyes when he looked at you. Although way too brief, you and David shared something that many people never get to experience in their lifetime…Amazing Love. Let the amazing memories and his love for you get you through this very difficult time. Remember, I am always here for you. Rest in peace David …Love you both!
Love Carol & Georgie Porgie
Dear Colin and Chris, Julia and I were so sorry to hear the sad news that you have now lost your dear Dad. Sometimes we wonder why these things happen so suddenly and to be honest prematurely.
Please accept our sincere condolences on your second tragic loss in so short a time. David and Gerry were wonderful soccer parents. I really appreciated all that they did for me and the team. From your old soccer coach, Jim Happer
Thanks Mr. Happer. Your days as my coach I still greatly appreciate. I have lots of great memories playing soccer.
Hello Sandra..
I cant express the feeling of loss that I just felt after hearing this news. David was a very dear friend. He used to come and lit our days with his bright smile and positive energy and by sharing his stories on daily basis at our school. I, especially, used to look forward to his daily visit.
The happy memories will stay on forever with all of us..
David my Beloved, we laughed we loved and danced, and if love were a cure , you would be besides me right now, because we had more than our share. But it was not to be. Sleep well my dear and know that, that you will always be a part of me locked in my heart forever. love Sandra
Colin (Simi) Chris (Amy) Davids children,your Dad was so very proud of you and often told me this. I was very fortunate in getting to know you in these past months, albeit under sad and stressful circumstances. How fortunate for myself, as David left a part of himself within each of you, the best parts… my heart goes out to you all losing two parents within such a short time. I am here for you anytime, not to replace your Mom and Dad, but to help carry this sorrowful burden together. May we continue our newfound friendship into the future. Love Sandra
Sandy,for the brief time that we knew you & David, you both touched our hearts with loving friendship. You were so very happy together. We share your immense loss & wish you peace & strength .
Love Gys & Sheelagh
Colin and Chris,
I will always remember the smiles, friendship, big hugs, and dedication to the community by your Mom and Dad. Be proud of them both… always.
Thanks Peter.
Our most heartfelt sympathy to you, Chris & Colin, on the tragic loss of both your parents in such a short time. David’s father, Ralph, was my uncle – he was the twin brother of my mother Joan who passed away in Jan 2009. The last time I had contact with your parents was at the 60th wedding anniversary of my parents when your Mom wrote to me giving me a short history of your lives in the past several years. We had lost contact with them as we had moved around the province quite a bit. I was hoping that a family reunion could be organized in the not too distant future, but sadly this is not to be now. I am sorry that we did not know that your Mom had passed away before we heard about your Dad (from my cousin Bob). We had so many happy childhood memories, always Christmas and birthdays, summer holidays at the cabin on Bowen Island, and attending your parents’ wedding. As cousins, growing up,we were always very close. Again, we are so terribly sorry that you have recently lost both your Mum and Dad. Sandra, altho I haven’t met you, please also know that you are in our thoughts at this very difficult time. So sad that you and David didn’t have more time to share together. (Were you highschool friends?)
Rest in peace, my dear cousin.
Colin & Chris:
I lost both my parents at a very young age and to this day they will remain in my heart, as I am sure both your parent’s will remain with you in spirit and in your hearts.
I only knew your Dad for a couple of years (felt like I’d know him a lifetime)…..he was a SPECIAL man! George and I have many wonderful memories of times that we spent with David and Sandy. We will cherish these memories.
Always remember that your dad spoke very highly and was very proud of you both.
Thanks Carol. Much appreciated.
Colin,Simi,Chris.& Amy;
Your Dad & I were friends in our early teens as part of Air Cadets. I will always remember how generous he was in spirit and friendship. When my Uncle passed away, your Dad, dressed in full Air Cadet uniform played “The Last Post” on his trumpet at my Uncle’s graveside, that was his generosity to us as a friend, your Dad’s memory will always be tucked away in a corner of my heart. When we met up again years later, he told us all about you, his sons and his eyes sparkled with love and pride. He is and always will be a part of you, we honour his memory.
Vic. & Merrilee Long,Courtenay, B.C.
Dad played the trumpet?! You’re sure we’re talking about the same David? I would have loved to have seen that.
Yes he did play the trumpet, and there are pictures to prove it! Your Dad was a man of many facets,enjoy this journey as you find out about him. We were so sorry not to have met you at your Father’s memorial,perhaps another time.
Colin and Chris,
Vicki and I were very saddened to hear the news of your dad’s passing.
While I am not a believer in mystical events, about two weeks before your dad passed away I had the urge to find out what he was up after 15+ years of no contact. The Optimist Club web site gave me a pretty good idea of his activities and accomplishments … very impressive and a fine example to us all.
Your dad and I were best friends when we were youngsters and during our early teens. In 1957 I went with ‘Uncle Ralph’, ‘Auntie Paddy’ and Dave on a road trip to southern California. It is ironic that I was the camera enthusiast during this trip (some of the photos attached) but your dad became the serious photographer much later in life.
It is a truism that our lives would have been very different but for specific people at critical times. In my case, one of these junctures was when your dad prompted me to join Air Cadets (more photos attached). That teenage experience led directly to my career choice, and of course all that goes with the path we choose at that critical stage of life … where we live, who we marry, etc. etc. If it had not been for your dad, I might now be a retired carpenter … or living high on a tropical Island … or languishing in a prison somewhere! As it is, Vicki and I have had many wonderful adventures in life that we must attribute in part to that day when your dad said, “Why don’t you come out to Air Cadets with me next week.”
Your dad and I had many ‘happy days’ of our teenage years in North Vancouver (and a few good times on some fishing trips later in life that you may also remember). I regret that we did not connect once again to share more wonderful times in our lives.
With our sympathy and best regards,
Gary and Vicki Morrison
To Sandy, Colin, Chris and all those who knew and loved David… he was taken WAY too soon for our liking but he has touched so many lives with his optimism and smiles. David always had a word of encouragement and could look at every adversity as an opportunity to learn and grow. He will be missed by MANY – I am so glad that some clubs will be donating copies of ‘Choosing to Smile’ in his memory to newly diagnosed cancer patients – he was definitely someone who believed in the power of a smile. Sending all of you BIG hugs from Chilliwack.