We Remember

WALSH, Joseph John “Joe”
December 6, 1951 — January 13, 2023
Joe passed away suddenly at Kelowna General Hospital on January 13, 2023 at the age of 71 after a short battle with an infection that he unfortunately could not fight due to his weakened immune system.
Joe is survived by his wife, Suzanne (Sue) Perron; his daughter Erin and son Trevor; his only granddaughter Patricia; his brother Howard and sister-in-law Carole; and his nephews Jason Walsh and Nicholas Walsh.
He will also be missed by his close friends and fellow RC Flyers of the Kelowna Ogopogo Radio Controllers club and all the numerous RC Flyers friends that he loved to meet at the RC events he attended all around the Okanagan.
At his request there will be no funeral service.
Very sorry to hear the sad news, Joe was a wonderful person. Our condolences to Suzanne and his family. He will be truly missed by all who were lucky to know and associate with him. Truly a nice person.
We are so sad to say good bye to our dear friend Joe and so blessed with wonderful memories of time shared with him and Suzanne over the years. Joe you will be truly missed 💕
Hello Suzanne:
I’m so sorry to hear of Joe’s passing. I always enjoyed chatting with Joe, his quiet demeanor and respect he had for everyone was wonderful, he was a gem of a gentlemen,
My Condolences to you and your family,
Mark Betuzzi – Kamloops
Miss you Joe. Flying events will not be the same without you. Safe travels Ted and Betty
We are shocked and saddened and send our love to you Suzanne & all the family.
I’m so sorry to hear about Joe’s recent passing! We were neighbours and we lived behind the family in LaFleche. It has been many years since I have seen Joe and I have never met his family! Thinking about you and my condolences to all of you!
Sue and family So sorry to hear of Joe ‘s passing. Both of you were fun to be around ; at the flying field , model airplane
fun flies and whenever we got together . He will be sadly missed by ourselves and all that knew him.
Len & Karen
I am so sad to hear of your loss Susanne. I am in total shock and he will be missed by myself and so many others.
Ohhhh, Suzanne, I am very sad to hear this. Joe will be missed and honoured for all you and Joe have done for me and KORC , over the years. PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH WITH ME AND KORC.
Sorry for your loss.
Condolences Suzanne. Take care. Beautiful photo of Joe.
Sad news a great loss for you and your family. He will be missed by all his fellow fliers
Sad to hear about Joe. He was a good friend of us and antusiastic rc flyer!
We’ll miss him at the next event!
All the strength to you Sue!
So sorry to hear about Joe’s passing.
Our condolences Suzanne from Sue and I and all of the 100 mile model flyers.
Always enjoyed talking to Joe, in the pits or flight line or swap meet. He will be missed.
Shocking news, we are so sorry for your loss Sue. Joe will be missed on the flite line of all the events that’s for sure . Sue do not become a stranger.
Dear Suzanne, so sorry to hear of Joe’s passing. Any time you want to connect, let me know. Sending hugs and love to you.
So sorry to hear of your loss Suzanne. Always remember his Smile anytime I saw him. Thoughts to you and the family during this time.