We Remember

August 18, 1926 — July 9, 2023
Jutta always said she had the perfect childhood for the first 10 years of her life. Everything changed in 1936 when Hitler gained absolute power in Germany. She recalled being slapped hard in the face by her school teacher when she failed to salute when shouting “Heil Hitler” as she entered the classroom. An armful of books was no excuse.
Jutta was one of four children born in Berlin to parents Frieda, a traditional homemaker, and Bruno, a skilled machinist who had steady work throughout the Great Depression and War at a progressive firm, Fritz-Werner. The company even provided playing fields and a swimming pool for the employees’ children. Jutta was predeceased by all 3 of her siblings, Horst, Beno and Gerda, as well as her parents.
What amazing changes Jutta witnessed in her lifetime: she recalled watching a horse-drawn carriage worker lighting up the newly-installed gas street lights; 50 years later as a retired Canadian tourist in Berlin, she watched the ceremonial opening of the 1986 World Cup from the same street corner, in a very different post-war, post-reunification Germany.
Europe was devastated, no area more so than Berlin after 4 years of Allied aerial bombing and then the brutal Russian occupation. When Canada advertised for farmworkers, her husband of 5 years, Herbert, was accepted and left Berlin in 1952. He was assigned backbreaking work in the tobacco fields of Western Ontario, leaving behind Jutta to care for two small children: son Manfred, born in 1948, and then Rainer in 1950.
Herbert saved enough money in one year to repay his airfare to the government and to send for Jutta, leaving the boys in the care of Oma Anna. Jutta enjoyed an entire week’s holidays after arriving in Toronto, before starting work as a house cleaner, earning six dollars for an eight-hour day. Not knowing any English, she was grateful for the work. She gained an illustrious clientele, including the Johnny Bassett family, owners of CFTO Television and The Toronto Telegram newspaper. She wasn’t paid her 25-cent streetcar fare by the Bassetts; instead, he sent his chauffeured limousine to drive her to his Rosedale mansion. One day, Mr. Bassett, a millionaire, asked Jutta if she would mind staying a bit longer to darn a pair of his socks. She agreed and was given a 20-dollar bill for this extra 20-minute job.
With both working, it took only another 12 months before the two boys and Oma joined them in Toronto. Manfred was six and was immediately placed in Grade 1. At the dinner table after his first day of school, he innocently asked: “Mom, what’s a ‘fucking Nazi’?” Wartime propaganda and the loss of husbands and sons during the war embittered many and filtered down to the children.
By 1958, Jutta and Herbert had saved $1,000 for a down payment on a half duplex in a new subdivision, in the small town of Whitby, 30 miles east of Toronto. Population 12,000 with one traffic light. The perfect place to raise a family. They remained in Whitby until 1970, and both boys graduated from high school there. The lifelong friendships Jutta made with the neighbours, Ken and Rose Dudley and family of nine children, endured and strengthened right up to Jutta’s death. There is no greater enduring love than that between Jutta and her god-child, Victoria Dudley, who visited Kelown again last summer to be with her “second mom.”
Jutta quit her housecleaning work, and with developing language skills found work serving customers at Lehn’s Bakery. Besides working full time and raising two kids, she studied and did homework each evening along with her sons, determined to gain her Registered Nursing Assistant certificate. Upon graduation, she found challenging, rewarding work at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, an extensive farm-hospital facility on the shores of Lake Ontario.
She loved her new career and the growing town of Whitby, but reluctantly moved back to Berlin with her husband in 1970, after he suffered a heart attack and could no longer ply his trade.
Back in Berlin, she worked at a large department store, Quelle, until she took early retirement at the age of 62.
Separated from her husband, Jutta travelled to numerous lands – Greece, Italy, Turkey, in the company of her eldest son, Manfred, who worked for the US Air Force, stationed in Berlin. Jutta travelled to Vancouver and Kelowna, BC during Expo 86, and then announced she would be moving to Kelowna for her remaining years, never expecting her retirement to last 33 years. “Every day I wake up and think I’m in paradise.” She arrived in Kelowna in 1990 and immediately made new friends by volunteering at the Water Street Senior Centre. She continued to love to travel and her new vacation spot became Cuba. Her friends joked that she had taken more “final farewell” tours of Europe than the Rolling Stones.
Leukemia and melanoma took their toll on her health, but she still enjoyed travelling; she made two summer-long, cross-Canada car tours to visit the Dudleys in Ontario and her eldest son, who had returned to Canada and lived in beautiful Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia. Back home in Kelowna, she enjoyed frequent walking tours and bus trips sponsored by the Senior Centre. Jutta also kept active with twice-weekly tai chi classes, weekly visits to Amora Day Spa whose staff – Luise, Ashley, and staff – treated her like royalty, and a weekly wash and set by Anju at InStyle Hair Care. Those four weekly trips became more difficult as the cancer spread.
Jutta’s religious beliefs and faith kept her strong as her health failed this spring. She was an active member of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church on Gordon Drive, and when she could no longer attend church, she watched from her bed the weekly service the Church posted on YouTube.
Jutta’s most fervent wish was to die peacefully, in her own home, in her own bed. That wish came true as she died on Sunday, July 9 peacefully and in bed.
Jutta is loved and will be fondly remembered as a caring, loving, strong woman by:
-Her extended family in Berlin, niece Dagmar, nephew Ronald and families
-The Dudleys, her second family in Ontario, including God-child Victoria, Sheila, Susan, and Velma
-Her much loved daughter-in-law in Victoria, Bonnie Burton
-And, in Kelowna, by another great friend her same age, Edith Welburn; her daughter, Linda (Dave); next door neighbours, Carly Hood and Little Miss Fynn, who became Jutta’s loving daughter and granddaughter
A Memorial Reception will be held on WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, at SPRINGFIELD FUNERAL HOME (2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC); Interment to follow. Jutta wished to be cremated and then interned in the Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery (1991 Bernard Ave, Kelowna, BC), overlooking her beloved Okanagan Lake. Arrangements entrusted to Springfield Funeral Home.
If you wish to send a condolence, post photos, or share a memory, please scroll down the page to the area called “Condolences”.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Dear Rainer,
Your mother was a gift to everyone who ever met her.
She had a profound impact on my life and I feel blessed to have known such a rare and beautiful soul.
I thank you for caring for her so lovingly.
They say that death leaves a sting no one can heal, and love leaves a memory that no one can steal.
Her memory will remain eternally etched in our hearts.
I will be forever grateful to have known her as “Mom”.
Bonnie Burton.
I have fought hard to find the words to share about my “second mom”. Some words come easy because Aunt Jutta was the most; positive, gentle, loving, compassionate person. But the words I struggle to find is to describe how much I love her and how important she was to my everyday being. Words can not describe this love I have for such am incredible woman. Everyday Aunt Jutta would find positivity to share and give thanks for. Her smile was so comforting, her hugs were gentle and filled with love. Every August I looked forward to her visit with me, for 3 weeks. My mom (Rose Dudley mentioned by Rainer) would come to stay as well. They always share their special dinner; lamb chops, mint sauce, peas, mashed potatoes and don’t forget the white rum and coke! Aunt Jutta’s visits were always fun; picnics on the beach, visiting family, casinos, Wheel of Fortune on the deck and so much more, they kept me busy in the best way. I am so thankful she got to meet 2 of my grandchildren and I would send her pictures through email to Rainer of my life updates and my growing family which she knew before I came along. I had the opportunity to visit Aunt Jutta last year and had such a special time with her and shared with Rainer. I am truly grateful for this opportunity. I saw her life, daily routines and many hugs and conversations shared in her favorite places looking at the mountains. I even learned a little about tennis. When I was leaving at the airport she said “Vicki, don’t cry (I always cried when we parted) I will be okay!” My heart fell to my gut because I just knew… and yes I cried, I cried different tears this time. Our conversations on the phone always ended with, “I love you so much Aunt Jutta” and her reply would be “yeah, I love you too, we love you” with 3 kissing sounds each. All the phone calls were different 3 weeks prior to her passing. She sounded weaker and signed off by saying, “Vicki, remember I love you and I will always love you” and we still got our 3 kisses each. I was planning a visit but never got to come out to sit and hold her hand and get 1 last hug. She got her wish and passed away peacefully in her sleep in her own bed. Rainer was such a incredible son, “nurse” (she would call him with a giggle). I witnessed how well he looked after her and her medical needs first hand I can’t thank him or commend him enough for his love and commitment to his mom, my “second mom”, I got to share a spa day and meet the beautiful staff that looked after her weekly, her hair stylist and many people at the seniors centre she attended. I got to meet 2 special people that came into to her life Carly and Finn. They put a smile on her face with visits. I am blessed and thankful that this incredible woman was such a huge part of my life. Until we meet again, I love you very, very much (kiss kiss kiss) “little Vicki Dudley”
When the family moved in across the driveway from us on Rosedale Dr. in 1958, little did any of us know how close the two families would become. They became a big part of the family. Parties, going camping, lots of wonderful memories. I married in 1964 & was away from Rosedale Dr. for a few years, & when Dave, Davina & David & l returned, the Ziegenhagens were still living there. I was so happy & my two children just loved to be around her. Little David, as aunt Jutta would call him, knew were aunt Jutta kept the cookies, so needless to say, there were lots of knocks on her door & in he would walk in. At some point during our phone conversation, she would always mention this & still today, my son remembers just going over & walking in. When aunt Jutta’ s mother-in-law would come over for a visit from Germany, my daughter would go over, ask for Oma & they would take Blackie for a walk. I still don’t know till this day, how they could understand each other as neither spoke the others language…lol.
The family was always happy when she came to visit from Kelowna & spend time with us all. I know that she loved us all very much. She was a very loving & caring person & a very special Aunt. I love you & I am going to miss you dearly, especially our phone talks. Till we meet again XOXO
Jutta positively affected every individual she associated with. Forty years ago, I became one of the lucky individuals welcomed into her life. Although she was not family, she made me feel I was.
Jutta was one of those rare individuals who could find joy in everything. Seeing her reaction to objects, events and people gave anyone near that same joy. That pleasure that Jutta had, spread to others. I think it is what makes life worth living. Jutta had joy right up to the last day of her life.
I will miss Jutta. I am honored to have spent as much time as I could with her in the end. I know she will be happy in heaven.
There are many additional people to acknowledge who made a huge impact throughout Jutta’s 33-year retirement:
Dr. Martin (Marty) Steinruck, her dedicated family physician for over two decades, who with knowledge and compassion, helped reassure and guide Jutta. Each and every office visit ended with a big, comforting hug;
Marion Bremner and staff at Meals On Wheels, who were immediately there to help one Winter, when Jutta broke her elbow and shoulder in a face-plant fall on the snowy sidewalks of Sutherland Ave, walking to the Capri for groceries;
JoAnna Lynch, Corrine Reid and their volunteers who manage the Parkinson Seniors Society, always with a bright smile or a quick laugh;
Tai-Chi instructor Harold “The Dancing Dragon” Naka. His classes are not just exercise, rather he aims to help us live in a more harmonious way; to live more in the moment with fewer regrets. Harold’s twice weekly classes were often the highlight of Jutta’s weekly calendar, along with the weekly wash-and-set hairdresser appointment, of course;
The Seniors Centre Bistro, first with Chef Tammy and now Chef Mark, plus their volunteers, for not only providing tasty and nutritious meals when Jutta stopped cooking, but also for their friendship and genuine concern,
The phrase “it takes a village to raise a child” originates from an African proverb and conveys the message that it takes many people to provide that safe, healthy environment. Surely the same can be said of caring for our treasured senior citizens.
Rainer, my sympathies on such a big loss. She sounds like she had a lot of chutzpah and strength of character. I recall how important she was in your life and how instrumental she was in shaping the people she left behind.
Rainer, since we have lost touch in recent years, I’m just seeing it today and have forwarded it to Barb as well………Your Mother was a wonderful woman, and I’m grateful for the visits we shared, in both happy and sad times……..I’m sure that she and Manfred are watching over you and following your activities with interest……. Her obituary kept me captivated, you really should write a novel……….. You are an awesome writer! So glad to have the privilege of knowing you and your family, all thanks to meeting Manfred online in a Cuba forum, a few years before he made our Valley his home……….there are no coincidences!
Time only adds verses.
Sincere sympathy Rainer. I’ve been thinking a lot about Manfred recently, and remembered your mom’s birthday was approaching so did a Google search to find she’d passed. Your mom was lovely to me the few times we met. I will always remember her kindness. Hugs to you.
We are so devastated to hear the news! Jutta was such a gentle soul adored by everyone, she touched many hearts with her kind and sweet nature. She always had a hug, a smile, and kind words for us, and we miss our visits with her on days she walked by the clinic, since we moved from our downtown location. She will be missed, and remembered with great fondness by all of us.-James, Jenn, Chris and team from Okanagan Acupuncture Centre